The quick brown fox jump over the lazy dog

The Quick Brown Fox

One day, I read, that this sentence “the quick brown fox jump over the lazy dog” contains all the character of the alphabet,  just because I’m so curious,  I thought to create a simple java application that checks whether the sentence is actually using all the letters in the alphabet or not.

The pseudo code of the application will look like this:

  1. Declare the string.
  2. Remove all spaces between the words from the sentence.
  3. Remove duplicate character.
  4. Convert the string into Character Arrays.
  5. Sort the Character Arrays.
  6. Loop the Character Array and print out to console.

First, I need to create a function that can remove duplicate character from a given parameter and the return of the function have to be a string. Ok, here’s the code:

    public static String removeDuplicates(String s) {
        StringBuilder noDupes = new StringBuilder();
        for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) {
            String si = s.substring(i, i + 1);
            if (noDupes.indexOf(si) == -1) {
        return noDupes.toString();

The function above using StringBuilder object as a container to process removing duplicate character, and the function will return the string formed by StringBuilder object. And then, I will use this function in the application. Ok, here’s the code:

import java.util.Arrays;

 * Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
 * User: Josescalia
 * Date: 7/8/11
 * Time: 8:24 PM
 * To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates.
public class ArrayTest {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        //the string declaration
        String sStr = "the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog";
        //remove the spaces
        sStr = sStr.replace(" ", "");
        //remove the duplicate character using the function
        sStr = removeDuplicates(sStr);
        //Convert string into Character Array
        char[] a = sStr.toCharArray();
        //Sort the Array
        //let's loop and print is correct, using all the character of the alphabet ????
        for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
            char c = a[i];
        //it's true :P

    public static String removeDuplicates(String s) {
        StringBuilder noDupes = new StringBuilder();
        for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) {
            String si = s.substring(i, i + 1);
            if (noDupes.indexOf(si) == -1) {
        return noDupes.toString();

Well, that’s all. Feel free to use and explore for your creations and needs.

I Hope that’s usefull



Squid Proxy, and Adzapper in Windows

Browsing website on the internet with high speed data access is a separate pleasure for some people including me. To open a site with no waiting time to load the page of a website is always a dream. But sometimes we’re getting bad-mood if we face a situation where the website that we would like to open are taking too long to load, because it have to wait each elements on the website to download to our computer. Images, swift files and any other elements.

A web page made up-over elements such as images, text, swift files, and others. When we want to open a web page, elements are downloaded to our computer and placed in the temporary folder of the browser we use. We can enjoy a web page perfectly after all the elements that make up the page is finished to download.

We may have a habit to visit the same website every day, especially right now, the social community era, facebook, twitter, myspace, we visit these websites just to make status, commenting a status and other activities. The same images, swift files, will be downloaded every time we visit those websites. This is actually a routine that we can make a strategy about.
Proxy is a tool that we can use to create a strategy for this routine. The proxy has the ability to store images taken from a website that we have accessed before, so the browser no longer need to download the same images from its origin. Proxies are smart enough to recognize the latest content from a website that we access, so proxy will download the latest content and storing it into a place commonly called cache.
Advertising, sometimes we are very disturbed by the ads that float on a websites that we might not want to see it, and the ads usually created using the large size of images. We also can use a proxy to block ads from a website. In addition, the proxy can also be used to block sites.

On a computer network in a company, proxies are necessary nowadays, at least use to save bandwidth and to limit the access to few websites that considered can make the employees forget about work.
The computer network administrators usually install a proxy in linux machine, and for those of you who want to install a proxy on the linux machine, please look for it on Google, there’s a lot of articles around proxy and linux machine. This time we will try to install a proxy into Windows. OK, let’s live it.

Installing Squid Proxy

1.    Download squid proxy from this link
2.    Then extract it on to C:\
3.    And then rename the squid.conf.default file on the etc folder  to squid.conf
4.    Add this line http_access allow localhost exactly under the line http_access allow localnet
5.    Then open the windows console and got to C:\Squid\sbin\, and the type:   squid.exe  -z command just like picture below:

6.    And then run squid as a windows service by typing this command on the console: squid.exe -i. And then check if the squid are installed as a window service like picture below:

7.    And then start the Squid Service.

The next step is configuring the browser in order to use the squid as web proxy, the steps are:
1.    On firefox, simply click tools and then click option, there have to be a option window appear, and in the Advanced menu, click network tab and then click setting button just like the picture below:

2.    And the on the Connection Setting window that appear after the setting button clicked, modify the connection setting just like this picture:

3.    And then browse just like we usually do, for the first time the browsing activity will look like usual,  because the squid proxy will store the contents of the web onto the cache, and later then the browser will fetch the static content from the squid cache.

Installing Adzap
To block the advertisement on the web, we need a squid plug in, which is adzapper. The problem is adzapper is a perl script that only can be execute by using perl environment. So definitely we need to install perl on our windows system. I choose Strawberry Perl as a perl platform to be installed on my windows machine. Strawberry perl can be fetch for download from this url
After finished download the strawberry perl, then please install the strawberry pearl on your own windows machine. I have installed Strawberry Perl on C:\Web\ on my windows machine. Please pay an attention that all setting of adzapper must match to the location of your Perl installation.
And the next step is download the adzapper script from this URL:, open the link on your browser, and after all the text/script is appeared, save the script to the C:\squid\etc\ folder and name it as
And the next step is configuring this adzapper plug in into the squid the we have installed before. Open the squid.conf file, this file is located on C:\Squid\etc\ folder and then add this line on the end of row of the file

redirect_program C:/Web/strawberry/perl/bin/perl.exe c:/squid/etc/

Please make an attention that my perl installation located on C:\Web\ folder, please adjust the setting to the path of your own perl installation.
And after that, restart the proxy squid by using a window service just like the picture before, or maybe by using the command line by typing squid.exe –k reconfigure. And we have finished the adzapper script installation on squid. Now it’s time to check that the adzapper is working properly or not. Open the browser and then open the web site that you knew it have full of ads. The adzapper will block the ads juts like this picture below, and if it does, then the adzapper is working properly.

Actually there are a lot of things that we can do with squid and adzap to fill up our needs about the web-caching problems, please visit the official site of squid on and adzapper to have a guide to maximize the both function.


I Hope this will helpfull



Installing Squid Proxy

An Easy Way to Create JSP’s and MySQL Web Application

Dear readers, this time I would like to share about how to create a JSP’s and MySQL web application. This time we will create it using easy way, means that we wouldn’t create this web application by coding java classes that we might needed to support this application. We only create JSP, yes only JSP, and of course few configuration that I hope easy enough too.
Before we start, let’s prepare a database and a table that will be one of our material of this creation. Let’s create a database and name it as “test_jsp” and for the table, the structure of the table is looked like this sketch.

or we can copy and paste sql query below:

create database test_jsp;
use test_jsp;
CREATE TABLE `identitas` (
  `NAMA` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
  `ALAMAT` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
  `NO_TELP` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL,

The above Sql Query is a query to create a database named as test_jsp, and creating a table named as identitas with the following field described above on the image. The please fill up the table with few necessary data, in order to make the table containing data like the picture below.

By that, one of our material for this application is created.

To do this development, actually we need or we will use a library, this library has an ability to support the creation of a web application only using jsp. The needed library is Jakarta Taglibs library.

Jakarta Taglibs is one of the open source project of Jakarta Tag Libraries which supporting a creation of a web application using JSP and without coding java classes. With the Taglibs concept means that will use this library supported API by calling it using the JSP’s tags. Since this web application using a database, so we need a library called DBTags (database tags), so please download the library here, and we will need other library which have a function as a MySQL database driver which is called as mysql-connector-java.jar, please also download this library here

After finished downloading those libraries, then please extract the both files. And the next step is preparing a web application on an Application Server or Servlet Container, for this exercise we using Tomcat as a Servlet Container.

  1. Create a folder on a WebApps folder on tomcat installation directory. Let’s give a name “MySimpleJSP”. This folder will be a folder path on our web application.
  2. Inside the folder is MySimpleJSP again, we make two more folders named WEB-INF and libs.
  3. Copy mysql-connector-java.5.1.6.jar file (I use the connector 5.1.6 here) from the mysql connector library, and taglibs-dbtags.jar files from libraries Jakarta Tablibs which we downloaded earlier into the libs folder.
  4. And also copy the taglibs-dbtags.tld file from Jakarta Taglibs library that we have extracted onto WEB-INF folder.
  5. Create a file called web.xml and then save the file also in the WEB-INF folder, while the contents of the web.xml file write the following directions:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<web-app xmlns=""


Until here, we have completed preparations for web-applications for our experiment this time. And the next step is to simply make jsp files that we need to be able to access the MySQL database we have made earlier, all jsp files which later we will create will be placed in MySimpleJSP folder or parallel with WEB-INF folder and the libs folder. Let’s create a jsp file.

The first JSP file we will create is get_identity.jsp, this file is a jsp file in charge of taking the data in the tables located on the identitas table on test_jsp database. Let’s look at the codes below get_identity.jsp file:

<%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8" language="java" %>
<%@taglib uri="" prefix="sql" %>
<head><title>My Simple JSP MYSQL Page</title></head>
<%-- Step 1) create a database connection --%>
<sql:connection id="connect">
<%--End Creating database Connection--%>

<%-- Step 2) Create a SQL query --%>
<sql:statement id="statement" conn="connect">
        SELECT * FROM identitas

    <table border="1">
            <th>NO TELP</th>
            <%--Step 2.1) Loop the result--%>
        <sql:resultSet id="data">
                <td><sql:getColumn position="1"/> </td>
                <td><sql:getColumn position="2"/> </td>
                <td><sql:getColumn position="3"/> </td>
                <td><sql:getColumn position="4"/> </td>

<%--Step 3) Close Database Connection--%>
<sql:closeConnection conn="connect"/>

Let’s make an attention the JSP’s code above:

<%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8" language="java" %>
<%@taglib uri="" prefix="sql" %>

On the second line we make a declaration tag that we shall use in this jsp file. Uri must be in line with taglib-uri which we declared in the web.xml file before. And if this web application run, the web.xml file have a responsibilities to find tags reference with sql prefix on taglibs-dbtags.tld file.

<%-- Step 1) create a database connection --%>
<sql:connection id="connect">
<%--End Creating database Connection--%>

While the above code block, we make declarations tags to connect to the mysql database that we created earlier.Please make attention each line above, the database is test_jsp then the driver is com.mysql.jdbc.Driver, and userid to connect to the mysql database is the root, and password to connect to the mysql database is admin99. My mysql database username is root and password is admin99, please adjust your database with the settings of each. Please make more attention in the code above, all of this configuration should be in block sql: connection

<%-- Step 2) Create a SQL query --%>
<sql:statement id="statement" conn="connect">
        SELECT * FROM identitas

    <table border="1">
            <th>NO TELP</th>
            <%--Step 2.1) Loop the result--%>
        <sql:resultSet id="data">
                <td><sql:getColumn position="1"/> </td>
                <td><sql:getColumn position="2"/> </td>
                <td><sql:getColumn position="3"/> </td>
                <td><sql:getColumn position="4"/> </td>

Then look at the rows of the following code, we create a block of tag sql:statement. Where in this block we write the block tag sql:query and tag sql:ResultSet, and in the block sql:ResultSet, we extract the data from the database to be displayed to the web page using tag sql:getColumn. If we try to understand the tags, the description may look like this: tag sql:query is a tag to write sql query which will be executed by the application. Then tag sql:ResultSet is a tag where the captured data from the database placed in the form to an array collection. And the last is the tag sql:getColumn is a way to extract the collection array and then sorted based on the basic view of our application web pages.

<%--Step 3) Close Database Connection--%>
<sql:closeConnection conn="connect"/>

And finally the last in this code is, that we then terminate the connection to our MySQL database.

Then after that, we can test this MySimpleJSP application by running our Tomcat and then call the get_identity.jsp files on your favorite browser pointed to the address: http://localhost:8000/MySimpleJSP/get_identity.jsp (I have configured tomcat to port 8000, please replace with the appropriate port in your tomcat configuration). If successful, it should display the web page is like this

With the appearance of the data into a web page of our JSP application, then we can describe that this exercise is successful done. For further step you can create more jsp pages, such as a jsp file to insert the data into the table, etc.

I Hope this usefull.

